12:01 PM
The Miniatures hobby does not escape...
Mister Nizz
TMP Hijinks envisioned as a certain collectible card game
Apparently my previous post about envisioning CONSIMWORLD as a certain collectible card game drew some interest, if the statistics don't lie.
At the risk of repeating myself, I present a reprise of the concept, this time aimed at a certain online community of MINIATURES players, among whose jolly dysfunctional ranks I consider myself a proud member.
Without further ado:
He's got a serious point, you know...
But wait, he's got one too! Whom to believe???
7.00 for an individual FIGURE? Are you MAD???
Where they alll end up, sooner or later.
Let me tell you what I think... repeatedly. Then I'll tell you what YOU think...
"Um... WHAT did he say again???"
"What's the Shizzle, my TMP homies? Let me regail you with another story about life in da hood..."
"The Crossdressing thing is just a rumor..."
"Sooowhee! I know the guy before me got the boots in first, but I can't resist jumping in! Wheeeee!"
"Foolish Mortal!!! pay no attention to the hand behind the gym sock...."
"I just dropped 800 USD on a 300 point Ultra-Jarhead army, and I feel GREAT, dammit. Hmmm.. what am I gonna eat for the next half a year?"
Kids, the 10 images above are posted in the spirit of fun, representing VERY BROAD PARODIES of individuals and activities that may or may not be real. If you see a similarity between the card image here and a real life individual or online activity, I'm certain the similarity is entirely coincidental in nature.
Note: You may also view the entire Starter Pack as a SLIDESHOW
Laugh it up, I'm about to open the Booster Packs.