12:52 AM
Somme Project, from Mr. Thomas Pennington
Mister Nizz
Hey Thomas!
If you want to navigate around in here, it's pretty easy.
On the left side, check out Blog Archive. Posts are sorted by year, month, and then by post. See?
But to get on to the SOMME PROJECT.
(note: Nigel Clarke, who owns World War I, found time to correct a couple of mistakes in the ensuing narrative. His corrections are marked in RED).
I know of some great sources for 28mm + scale French, German and English figures for the Somme Battle. Most people associate the British, not the French, with that battle (because of
First of all there's BRIGADE GAMES, run by my friend, Lon Weiss:
Here's the WORLD WAR ONE FRENCH that he had made
Lon is primarily a vendor, and he sells RENEGADE FIGURES. They make slightly bigger World War One figures for British, French, and Germans. They are gorgeous.
Last, I'm running a kind of private Intranet at hotspur.mobstop.com if you want to park those rules where you can get a playtest team to look at them.
I'd love to see your rules at some point!