11:41 AM
Thank You, Mr. Rattes
Mister Nizz
My Right of Free Franchise has been Preserved
I received my ballot (at last) in the mail last night, after a long wrangle with the election committee about the status of my membership. I had reupped at Cold Wars 06 for the purposes of entering into the membership meeting to give a convention director's report (and seconding a few candidate's bids to run in the election, which turned out to be unneccesary). The transaction mysteriously went unrecorded, dropping me off the rolls of registered voters. Fortunately, my situation was not unique-- 40 some odd people also had this problem. I'm encouraged that they cared enough about voting to cause a ruckus sufficient for the election committee to issue new ballots. It's refreshing to see the membership this engaged over an election. I predict a record turnout!
So.. even though I give James Mattes a well-deserved nut-busting in here from time to time, I won't do so now. I want to publically thank him for his efforts in giving me a voice at the polls. Job well done, sir.
(and my ballot went into the mail in point-blimfark... if you are an HMGS East member and haven't voted yet, SHAME ON YOU! You will get the BoD you deserve!)
Important Disclaimer
The previous statement is solely my own opinion.
It does NOT represent an opinion of the HMGS East organization.