11:31 AM

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Every Wanted to Cast a net.kook into a pool of everlasting fire?

Mister Nizz

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Sure, we all do! And until we're given the full, omnipotent power of Divine Justice, such thoughts will have to remain fantasies. However, here's a keen new game to help channel your musings on damnation in the right direction!

Design credit shout-out to Uncle Screwtape

If you've been on the Internet for more than a week, you've met them. Self-important individuals who have convinced themselves (but not anyone else) that their opinions cut a broad swath among their audience. They spare no effort in confronting you online (short of actual physical labor, which seems so inimical to so many of them-- try to get them to volunteer for you sometime) in a fruitless quest to bolster their image of self-worth. In a word, the net.kook. If you've had ANY experience with a net.kook, you'll know that confronting them online is a tar baby of major proportions-- you'll only get dirty if you confront the tar baby on his own terms. But cheer up! A little psychic assistance is on the way! If someone is repeatedly "getting your goat" online, don't grind your teeth in impotent rage, send that net.kook to meet the "Goat Headed One" himself! Play "Consign your Net.Kook to the Firey pits of the Damned" today!

(Chortle) Sure thing, sport! It's this easy!

1. Name your kook. For illustration purposes only, I'll choose "Jim McKooky" entirely out of thin air.

2. Submit your DAMNATION ROLLS to the dice server:

The dice server provides impartial rolls for players. To use the damnation die roll server, send a message to dice@pbm.com containing:

#P mail address of a player     [up to 10 #P lines allowed-- you will 
automatically receive a reply but you may wish to send the die roll elsewhere]

#S no. of sides on every die [This must be 10 (ten)]

#D no. of dice for every roll [This must be 2 (two)]

#R no. of rolls requested [This must be 1 (one)]

#L no. of rolls printed per line in output [This must be 1 (one)]

#C comments [up to 100 #C lines allowed-- I like to use: "With this roll, I consign thee to the flames"]

#T subject line of returned mail [make it "Damnation of (insert net.kook name)"]

For example:

   From: Joker@Joker.Com

To: dice@pbm.com

Subject: Damnation of Jim McKooky

#P user1@foo.com

#P user2@bar.com [you can send your damnation roll to other people, up to 10 of them]

#S 10

#D 2

#R 1

#L 1

#C "With this roll, I consign thee..."


   From: dice-admin@pbm.com (Dice server)

Subject: Damnation of Jim McKooky

To: Joe Kerr <Joker@Joker.com> [this automatically comes back to sender]

Cc: user1@foo.com [First Courtesy Copy]

Cc: user2@bar.com [Second Courtesy Copy}

Dice rolls requested by: Joe Kerr <Joker@Joker.com>

# With this roll, I consign thee...

No. of sides on every die: 10

No. of dice for every roll: 1

No. of dice rolls requested: 2

No. of rolls per line: 1




Read the Damnation roll in this order: ACROSS, DOWN...

So 4, 6 will send my sample net.kook, Jim McKooky, straight to the 5th Circle of the Inferno!

4. Reference this map:

So Jim McKooky would be sent to that part of the Inferno reserved for the Wrathful. It seems strangely fitting.

5. Finally, Amplify your Result..

...by reading up on the source cantos from Dante's Inferno, the source material for this game!

The Vestibule (or Gates of Hell)

The First Circle

The Second Circle

The Third Circle

The Fourth Circle

The Fifth Circle

The Sixth Circle

The Seventh Circle

The Eigth Circle (this is a big one)

The Ninth Circle

Additional Material:


City of DIS

Phlegethon ("Phleg" in the itinerary)


The Abyss

That's all there is to it! Have fun, and be sure to share your newfound powers of Divine Justice with the worthy!