11:16 AM
Web-Geekery of the Week Award: Vincent Wai
Mister Nizz

The Mort Kunstler of WW2
Military history artist Vincent Wai's personal blog is a fun place to visit. He is the cover artist for the highly succesful FLAMES OF WAR miniatures rules series. His blog is cheerful and very generous-- he reveals how he his progressing on his latest projects.

I like Vincent's artwork and I like his blogging style. If I were to pick a related artist or inspiration, I'd call Vincent the "Mort Kunstler of World War II". His paintings are not quite as detailed but they show a certain dynamism that I really enjoy.

So, even though Vincent didn't put up a widget, utility, service, or what have you, the award is for "web efforts that make the Internet a better place to be", and Vincent's blog does that for me.