10:20 AM

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PBeM Solitaire Game, Deathmaze Turn 2

Mister Nizz

More blundering around in Deathmaze

Here we go with no further ado!

(turn transcript)


Turn 2: Rooms 2 and 3

Turn 2:

I'm going to try to get through at least two rooms tonight. I'm getting the hang of this thing; and I already have the pertinent references highlighted.

First of all, we explore through the door to the West. I will draw a random ROOM CHIT from the Room Tiles virtual "cup"


Checking for Traps.

DICE ROLL: Specification = 1D6 Result = 2 No Traps.

Checking for Monsters.

1-3 generates a monster, 4-6 an empty room.

DICE ROLL: Specification = 1D6 Result = 4 An empty room, whadya know?


Trap: DICE ROLL: Specification = 1D6 Result = 5 Nope.

Map, turn 2
Turn 2, rooms 2 and 3


DICE ROLL: Specification = 1D6 Result = 3 Yep! MONSTAAAAAH!

What Kind?


Rolling Across:
DICE ROLL: Specification = 1D6
Result = 1
Rolling Down:
DICE ROLL: Specification = 1D6
Result = 6
1,6 = A HellHound!


Hell Hound is on the map.

battle, turn 2
The Fight with the Hell Hound

We go into Combat Rounds.


Party Attacks Hell Hound, Going Left to Right.

BARDOLF attacks with Sword versus HELLHOUND

Bardolf has the bonus

DICE ROLL: Specification = 1D6 + 1
Result = 2 [+ 1] = 3
Misses! Clumsy OAF!

Now, Frankie Fingers, no bonus

DICE ROLL: Specification = 1D6
Result = 3 Misses!
Not good!

Fred the Hero:

DICE ROLL: Specification = 1D6 + 1
Result = 5 [+ 1] = 6
'Bout Freakin' TIME
1 HP damage on the Hell Hound.

Fizban hangs back for a turn.


Checking to see who the Hellhound will attack.

1-2 Bardolf, 3-4 Frankie 5-6 Fred

DICE ROLL: Specification = 1D6
Result = 1
Bardolf is unlucky

According to Rule 12.33, Hellhounds breathe fire and attack normally.
Let's see if we can figure this out.

Bardolf has MR of 1

DICE ROLL: Specification = 1D6
Result = 5
Nope, he doesn't resist it, and he takes 1 extra wound.

The Hellhound physically attacks on the Monster table.

DICE ROLL: Specification = 1D6 Result = 2 No Hit.




Left to Right: Bardolf, Frankie, Fred

DICE ROLL: Specification = 1D6 + 1
Result = 1 [+ 1] = 2
No hit

DICE ROLL: Specification = 1D6
Result = 5 That's a hit, 1 pt.
Good Work, Frankie.

DICE ROLL: Specification = 1D6 + 1
Result = 5 [+ 1] = 6 That's a hit, 1 Pt.
Good work, Fred!



1-2 Bardolf 3-4 Frankie 5-6 Fred

DICE ROLL: Specification = 1D6 + 1
Result = 6 [+ 1] = 7
Well, didn't mean to have the +1 in there but it would have been Fred anyway.


Does Fred resist the HH's fire?

DICE ROLL: Specification = 1D6 R
esult = 2

Does the HH attack Fred?

DICE ROLL: Specification = 1D6
Result = 5
Damn, Fred, you be lucky! Just one HP down.




DICE ROLL: Specification = 1D6 + 1
Result = 5 [+ 1] = 6
That does it.
That's all for you! to quote Hellboy.

The Hellhound bites it.


The best part.. figuring out the treasure.

Gold: DICE ROLL: Specification = 1D6
Result = 4 Whoops. Have to see if it actually does have gold first.

Have to match or be lower than 2.
DICE ROLL: Specification = 1D6
Result = 2
Okay. Rolling for how much.

DICE ROLL: Specification = 1D6
Result = 2 x 10 is 20.
Not a hell of a lot.

Now Gems, same number

DICE ROLL: Specification = 1D6
Result = 2
Hey, Gems!

DICE ROLL: Specification = 1D6
Result = 5
5 = Value 15.

Add to the 20 and that's 35.

Now, Magic Items

DICE ROLL: Specification = 1D6
Result = 4
Nope, no magic.

35 divided by four is 8.75.
That's 7 for Fizban,
7 for Frankie,
8 for Fred and
8 for Bardolf

EPs: 4 monster WPs x 6 = 24
div by 4 again is 6 each.

And that's the turn!


Commentary: At this low of a level, these characters are continuously losing a point or two at every encounter. The Wizard (Fizban) would have turned the tide, I think, but I am unwilling to expend his life's blood doing it. I have to reread the rules to see what it says about resting and gaining hit points back. I can't find anything on it at first glance.

Here are the Player Stats at end of turn 2. Not much EP gained, and some blood spilled.

I will try to upload the Cyberboard game file in the standard LOCATION some time today, if you are interested in following my movements in Cyberboard.

ONWARD! To Proposed House Rule for Regaining HPs by Resting