11:24 AM

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VillagePhotos: A Good Photo Hosting Service

Mister Nizz

I couldn't get the HELLO service that Blogger recommends to work on my computer, so I did a search on "free photo hosting" and found quite a few things on the net. I settled for Village Photos, which is currently hosting that grainy "Oatmeal" photo of your humble correspondent on my profile page here (note bene, Blogger.com doesn't host photos but you can link to them from elsewhere). VillagePhotos is free (like many free services you can get expanded service for a fee), for up to 10MB of storage. Signing up is not a hassle, and they don't deluge you with emails. This is primarily an Ebay service thing, but I found it handy enough to post some FALL-IN pictures (below). Not bad at all.