10:13 AM

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The Curse of Chalion: A Good Read

Mister Nizz

I just finished the CURSE OF CHALION on the train ride in today. True to what I have heard, it's a great read-- that Bujold is one heck of a writer, for a woman, that is.. (sorry, couldn't help but guffaw at Tom Jensen's concept of what defines a decent SF writer posted on Consimworld recently). I hear there is/was a sequel in this universe. I'll go online to the FCPL system today and try to find it. I have to admit, I've not been all that enthralled by Miles Vorsikian but I'm willing to give it another go after reading the Challion book.

FYI: A Dictionary of Things Chalon. hosted on...

Which has all kinds of fun things on it for LMB fans, including a map of the Ibran Penninsula:

Wish I had found this BEFORE I started reading the book!