11:49 AM
Status of Some Games!
Mister Nizz
BPD, Game, Nanofictionary, PBeM, Zendo
Various Games posted here
Nanofic: I don't feel like killing this, and have found the requisite files on the requisite datastick to resurrect. Need to have some idea of what everyone's last turn was, however. Contact me, Otto, JR, Allan and Jason.
(apologies for the stall-- my day job is a bitch...)
BPD: A new game starts this week! The categories will be historical subjects! Email me at hussar (at) hotmail (dot) com if you have an interest.
Zendo: Do you have the Buddha nature? I'm think of starting a relaxed session of this excellent logic game by Looney Labs shortly. I've discovered a great new PBW site called SUPERDUPERGAMES that runs versions of Zendo using the classic pyramids, but also with numbers and words. I prefer the pyramids, myself. I'm not sure if a game could be started on there and just run by me, the other people interested in playing may need to register, too. Realistically three weeks to a month out, as I need to play a game on their site to see how it works. Zendo is entirely dependent on how rigorous the demands of COLD WARS are, however.
http://superdupergames.org/ (website)
http://wiki.superdupergames.org/games/zen (SD's Zendo Wikki, with their house rules)
http://www.wunderland.com/icehouse/Zendo/ (Zendo Home page)
http://www.wunderland.com/WTS/Kory/Games/Zendo/HowToPlay.html (Original Zendo Rules by LL)
http://www.sholing.force9.co.uk/bypop.htm (*BPD RULES*)
http://mrnizz.blogspot.com/2006/10/nanofictionary-by-email.html (NanoFIC via PBeM)