6:40 AM
Farewell, Bettie Paige
Mister Nizz
Bettie Paige left these mortal climes yesterday, at age of 85. She died of pneumonia in Los Angeles, CA.
Bettie's active career in modeling, especially for the notorious Irving Klaw and Bunny Yeager, helped develop her trademark (now iconic) black bangs and taste for black hose and complicated underwear. She would deny vociferously in later years, but there is no dobut she contribted greatly to the nascent sexual revolution of the late 50s. Bettie showed a whole generation of young American males that there was something dark and exciting to the lady waiting at home in high heels with a martini glass. I am sure that the Jergens lotion company has a memorial to Bettie somewhere..
Much will be written on her life and career this week. She was a bit before my time, but I always thought she was a beauty, in a very retro-chic sexy way. May God bless you and keep you, Bettie Paige.