8:12 AM
Woo-HOO! There's a nice little bit of Holiday kharma going around at Boardgamegeek this time of year. Thanks to the tireless efforts of Mr. Tom Vassel, a worldwide "secret santa" round is going on where you can send total and complete strangers presents of boardgames via the efforts of the boardgamegeek site. You can choose to reveal yourself or not; I never do. I suspect my target this year was a good one; he or she lives in the Gulf Coast of the United States. I can imagine this is an area that has seen some adverse economic activity of late so it feels good to spread some anonymous love.
I keep saying I'll be noble and selflessly elect to give, but not receive, a game. Aw hell no, I'm not a hypocrite. I love that portion of the event, too. This year I received (hand-wrapped, second year in a row, thank you!) my own copy of the reasonably hard to find 1960: THE MAKING OF THE PRESIDENT.
I'm ecstatic! This thing has been on my Geek Wishlist for almost two years. 1960 is very similar to another favorite of mine by the same designer, TWILIGHT STRUGGLE, the cold war two player game. I had begun to despair of getting it-- it almost seemed out of print there for a while.
THANK YOU, SECRET SANTA, for a gift of positive kharma and wonderful community spirit. You've greatly improved my Christmas spirit.