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Miniatures Pictures from TriaDCon 06

Mister Nizz

Miniatures Games held at TriaDCon 2006, College Park Campus of University of Maryland

Courtesy of both Ed Mueller (of Chevauchee and Armies of Lutzen fame) and Mitch Osborne (my program book editor for Cold Wars) many pictures of miniatures games at TriaDCon were taken, but not by me. Working on a small, understaffed and all-volunteer convention can tax your picture-taking times.

Click to see Mike Hillsgrove's Samurai Army game
TriaDCon was held in the overflow areas of the South Campus dining facility, with the overflow dining hall (above, right) being the location of almost all board and card games (of various flavors), whereas the miniatures games were held in the lobby area opposite the boardgaming area and in a connecting area called the Gazebo Room. In general there were plenty of tables for all events. I threw my gladiators game on a round table in the main (boardgaming) room because I wanted to be close to the desk.

Here, then is a nice collection of most of Saturday's events. The only event not pictured here adequately is the DBA Tournament (De Bellis Vashingtonus). I have arranged these in subfolders on Photobucket so I could make links to slideshows of the pictures, which can get rather large and be slow-loading. I normally like to load my convention pictures directly into the page but I've had complaints about how slow that is on certain connections.

The following links lead to a PhotoBucket page which may not load on some networks (for some reason, I can't view a Photobucket photo about half the time at work). I believe the viewing application is a Flash applet so your browser will need to be able to handle that.


A Very Spiffy 54mm Saint Lo Miniatures game (it won a convention award, and it deserved it, too!)

A Very Clever American Civil War game played Entirely with Wooden Flats minis, by Otto Schmidt.

The Very Popular DOOM game held Saturday night (only a couple pictures).

First, some French and Indian War action, then a couple of Major Dundee game pictures, combined in a single slideshow.

Four pictures from the Hue Game.

A ton of pictures from the Northwest Frontier game held on Saturday. Looks well attended.

Ben Pecson threw a lovely Spanish Civil War game on Saturday that I unfortunately didn't get a chance to play in.

So as you can see, miniatures games were present in force...