9:51 AM

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BY THE SWORD! or By the Sword.. or..

Mister Nizz


This just in!

My friend Allan occassionally sends me a care package out of the past with some product I've never heard of. I received such a package the other day. Inside the box, all unsorted and jumbled up, were the rules to a very old game called BY THE SWORD or By the Sword! (the explanation point being a sword in the title).

The rules were vintage 1980 or so-- close typeset in small font, somehat crude troop list forms, etc. What was of some interest were the die-cut unit markers. It reminded me of a SYSTEM 7 for elves and dwarves and orcs and such.

I've never seen such a thing before. It's intriguing.. and the rules are fairly complete, too. Has anyone else out there heard of this? I believe the company was called Legionairre or TheLegionairre or something like.

Any help would be welcome. If there's anything else about it online, please post a link.. it's as if this thing was published in a black hole.