9:45 AM
What I submitted to TriaDCon
Mister Nizz

Events are Filling Up Fast!!!!

This is what I submitted to Hillsgrove, the event coordinator for TriaDCon
I am prepared to throw three events, one with a colleague:
1) The Wooden Sword
Period: Ancients
Players; 10
4 hours
Scale: 54mm
Rules: Gibsonsystem (modified) Steve Gibson home rules or (if I have to run it on a round table out with the boardgaming crowd) Avalon Hill's GLADIATOR.
Morituri te salutamus!
Come relive the glory and absurdity of Ancient Rome. Each player plays a single Roman Gladiator, armed and armored in a variety of ways. Fight your fellow gladiators or maddened beasts (always a good time) . Who knows? The winner may earn his freedom and get awarded the Rudis (wooden sword)!
2) Another Saturday at the Races
Period: Ancients, kinda
Scale: 20mm
3 hours
Rules: Fast Shuffle Combat Chariots (O'Hara)
Genre: racing.. with a twist
Throw out the history books and pop in that ancient VHS tape of BEN HUR, because that's as close as this game comes to history. Fast Shuffle Combat Chariots is a sped-up, card driven game of chariot racing and combat that is fed on playing cards and andreniline. Has the Emperor gone mad? Run a racing team in Ancient Rome-- and be ready for mayhem. Fast Shuffle Combat Chariots is a racing game that includes chariot to chariot combat (archery, grappling, hand to hand melee) yet greatly streamlines common features of other chariot racing games for faster play. Keep your whip and bow at the ready, and keep a watchful eye on the Terminatrix chariots!
3) Valor of the Poles
Period: 20th century, Interwar
Scale: 20mm
4 hours
Genre: historical
In 1919-1920, the newly created Soviet state sought to 'export the Revolution by any means neccesary', especially in the direction of Germany and Poland. To everyone's suprise (including the Poles), the Polish Army managed to stop the Soviet juggernaut at the "Miracle of the Vistula". In this small skirmish, a small, polyglot Polish force (of varying quality) encounters an advancing Soviet force near a Polish village. Will the juggernaut roll over them? Or will we see a measure of the valor of the Poles?
General directions:
If there's not enough room on Saturday, I can run the gladiator game on a round table, no sweat.
I would GREATLY prefer running one of the other games on one day and the other on the OTHER DAY. I can't do 8 hours straight of GMing.. maybe ten years ago.