12:22 PM
Now I know why they get paid the big bucks.
Mister Nizz

Vanessa Kay's Pin Up Mania
I like women. I like pretty women. I like games. I even like (the old, funny version) of the Man Show. However, I fail to see how you can combine these elements and make a game that anyone would want to play out of the resulting
Vanessa Kay, for those of you not in the know, was a "juggie", or show dancer, for Comedy Central's long defunct MAN SHOW, a iconoclastic comedy variety show that struck a successful balance between celebrating masculinity and lightheartedly mocking machismo. Unfortunately, the original hosts (Jimmy Kimmel and Adam Corolla) were irreplaceable; when they left in 2003, their replacements, Fear Factor's Joe Rogan and comedian Dough Stanhope were so ham-handed and un-funny that the show quickly died.
In the middle of all that, OMEGA GAMES (a succesful publisher of board wargames decides to diversify the product line by making a "family style" card game using the charming Ms. Kay as the central theme. Perhaps this game simulates the rigors of being a pinup model, I can't figure it out from the description or sample card art.
Your favorite Juggy from TV's Man Show!
From the trampoline of TV's Man Show direct to your gaming table, it's our exciting new card game featuring Vanessa Kay. Race to be the first to complete a Pin Up of Vanessa and win the game. Collect the cards you need to win or block your opponent's play in this fast paced game.
Two to four players
Thirty to forty minute playing time
Be the first to complete a Pin Up of Vanessa and win!
I honestly don't know what went into the decision to commit capital to publishing this game, and I wish Omega Games well with it. It's not as if I'm deriving schadenfreude from their prduction choices. For all I know, maybe it's making Omega Games millions by selling out of Spencer Gifts shops' adult themed section or something. I don't know. But I can't logically see Pinup Mania being a success when the design is relying on name recognition of a model (albeit a pretty one) who hasn't been on TV in 3 years.
Mystifying. Oh well, I'm glad I'm not making decisions like this.