6:21 AM

Rum, Sodomy and the Lash
.. and all that.
I picked up the new version of Enemy in Sight (Lost Battalion) at HISTORICON. I'm happy that LBG decided to reprint the game-- AH's crappy old cardstock does NOT stand the test of time, nor do their 'gamette" boxes, usually. I rather liked the old artwork, though.
I can't fathom why Lost Battalion went with the radar wave pattern around the ship art on the cards, which is slightly off-putting. It makes me jones for the older cards. I suppose playing with the older ship cards is still possible, they didn't change the deck much at all. Truly this is a minor quibble, as it doesn't affect gameplay in the slightest.
I played it with Drey, Anne and Gar last week. EIS is still a great family game, and plays fast enough if you ignore a few confuising rules. Hell, I still am probably doing LINE BREAKER cards wrong, after all these years.
Functionally (design-wise) the game has changed very little if at all. There are no new rules that I could see and very few new cards. The folks at the LBG booth told me which ones were added and hanged if I could remember. They weren't anything that broke the game as far as I could see.

It's too bad LBG did not deign to even take a look at the wonderful job Tom Cundiff did in extending the game. Talk about a labor of love!!
In any event it plays as well as it ever did, and makes a great family wargame (still). I played it three times last week and am very glad it got reprinted.