12:42 PM
54mm Gladiators
Mister Nizz
Since Drey and the kids have been gone for the most part of the last couple weeks, I've managed to get a lot of small projects done. One is to paint the plastic Italeri 54mm gladiators (most of one sprue's worth) and some of the Alpha miniatures I bought to supplement them.
These are unfinished, so I'm embarassed to show them in full color.
Left to right: one of the two man dwarf tag team, figure from Alpha Miniatures. Retiarus from Italeri (plastic), Thracian from Alpha Miniatures (now fully painted), a Secutor from Italeri (plastic, and I'm guessing here. Italeri takes liberties), Dimachaeri (two sword fighter) from Alpha Miniatures, and possibly a Hoplomochus (spear fighter in Greek style) from Italeri.
As you can see, they are matching up together very well.