10:05 AM
Cardinal Report
Mister Nizz
My How they have grown!
Bird Report...
My little pin-feathered pals are quite huge now and growing amazingly fast, faster than I would have thought possible.
I can attest that mom and dad cardinal have taken good care of their charges because they are getting dangerously fat for their nest. The pin featers are dropping out and real adult feathers are coming in. Both chicks are still brownish which would indicate that they might be females.
Any day now, I suspect I'll have empty nest syndrome... sigh. It's been fun having guests. They grow so quickly.
Throughout the short cycle of hatching and growth, my pickup has been parked underneath the nest to keep the chicks from being knocked out by passing busses and mail handlers striking the cherry tree branches as they drive past. This policy will continue until I'm certain the birds have grown up and flown away.
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