8:52 PM
Oh No, the HMGS Elections Again
Mister Nizz
Hey! Is THAT Our Appointed Election Official, James Mattes, doing a little politicking on the side?
Important: Read Disclaimer First. Thank you.
Mr. James Mattes, former mouthpiece of HMGS East and frequenter of the Miniatures Page as Vojvoda, is in charge of the current election round at HMGS East. As such, we have a minimal expectation of extreme objectivity and circumspection from him in his public statements on the current round of elections. At least that's what I think. That's why I was a amused by this statement on the Yahoogroup for the Army of Central Maryland wargaming club:
"As to where I am on the election any club member who would like to talk to my number is __________ or cell of ___________. I think most of you know me as fair and able to look at all sides of an issue objectively."
Well, perhaps that's so, and to be fair to James he did couch his statement with a firmly stated denial that he would discuss the recent firing of Fred Haub, which is only what a reasonable person might expect. And he did say that he would love to share his opinions, but can't speak on it publically unless it's a parlimentary procedure issue. All very comendable. James is an opinionated guy, just like many of us are, and I realize he's speaking to a gaming club that HE is a member of.
However, the fact that he is encouraging people to "discuss the election" with him later on in the post certainly has the appearance of impropriety to me. Just my .02, worth what you paid for it. It could be entirely innocent... yah.
Thread: http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/AoCM/message/7408
Just to keep us all honest in case Yahoo experiences any technical difficulties, here's a handy screenshot:
James, if you're doing some sub-rosa politicking, I think that might be a bad thing for an election official to do. Don't you?
James playing Captain Feathersword at FALL IN:
Important Disclaimer
The previous statement is solely my own opinion.
It does NOT represent an opinion of the HMGS East organization.
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