3:52 PM
A nice find!
Mister Nizz

OGRELuna Counters... and Others!
Six years ago, I wrote a fairly silly variant to the popular low-complexity SF armor game from Steve Jackson Games, OGRE. My variant postulated combat in the OGREverse taking place on the Lunar colonies, and the huge logistical and technological limitations the Lunar environment would place on warfare. Like many things I've done over the years, it's free, and available for the taking for anyone, here:

The game introduces some new units and changes the stats on some old ones. At the time, there was a young man named "Cisco" who had started his OWN OGRE page, which featured his own custom made counters. I was tickled pink when he drew an entire sheet of OGRELuna counters. Unfortunately, I just linked to HIS page, I didn't copy them to my OGRELuna page. When the Cisco page went offline two years ago, I thought that Ogre Luna counters were just a pleasant memory. When I mentioned that to a colleague, he suggested the Web-Archive. D'OH! It was so obvious! In any event, I have recovered (and copied) every one of Cisco sheets but one, the back of the black and white infantry sheet. Try to make adjustments.
Have fun. I've added the links to the counter files to the variant page. They can be used for the Martian Variant, too.
Ogre on Mars: http://www.lightspring.com/~dr2nded/marsogre.htm