9:30 AM

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Aldie and Derk from BoardgameGeek

Mister Nizz

I listen to the occassional podcast from Boardgamegeek-- formerly the program was called GEEKSPEAK and now BOARDGAMESPEAK (why, I cannot fathom, unless they caught a little flak from KUSP Central Coast Public radio which runs a podcast program with exactly the same name).

Anyhoo, I've been listening to these characters for a year now and have never seen any depiction of them on Boardgamegeek... which made me wonder whether they are a pair of derformed mutants or just camera shy. So I was pleased to find an actual picture of them at the Kublacon website.

They're not so unpleasant looking (I say this in a manly, heterosexually un-threatening way)... what a pity, I was hoping for the mutant theory.