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Klingon Death Metal bands

Mister Nizz

From the "Not something you see every day" category

I caught TREKKIES 2 (part 2 of a documentary on Star Trek fandom) on the telly the other night, and loved it. I'm not a trekkie (or a Babylon-5-ie, or a Galactica-ie, or a Firefly-ie). I don't submerge myself very deeply into fandom; it would make me feel slightly ridiculous and I really don't have the time.

With that said; I totally "get" what a trekkie is.. I've been to my share of SF conventions, and even (gasp) have worn a costume or two. But that's all in the past.

One little snippet amazed me; there is, really and truly, a Star Trek music subculture. Not just for the Federation good guys but also with their Klingon enemies. That totally amazed me. A google search later confirms it... here's a KLINGON DEATH METAL BAND, named STOVOKOR (the Klingon word for Valhalla).

Note the guy with the clenched fist in the audience.

They actually arent' as bad as you might think, as these things go. If you like this sort of thing, than STOVOKOR is the sort of thing you will like, as they say.

Here's a music clip sampler:


More ST themed bands (all of thse guys are from Sacramento for some reason):

The excellent "No Kill I", featuring Hard Drinkin' Lincoln!

The No Kill I tribute band: NKI: The Next Generation (yes, a tribute band to a tribute band)

(there's also a NKI: DS9 band, but I can't find anything on them)

also: The Romulans

The very wierd Warp 11

Have fun, kiddies!