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Game Day; Corsari (Corsairs) Rio Grande

Mister Nizz

John Buck, a real sweetheart of a guy, sent me a care package of euro card games for playing with the chilluns, and that is just what I did.

We took CORSARI (aka Corsairs), by Rio Grande, to the pool with us. Garrett, Annie and I played.


It's a great little set collecting game that reminds me strongly of VAMPIRE by Reiner Knizia, with cooler hand management. Basically you are trying to collect sets of single colored pirates that become "Prisoners". You want to "Set Sail" (score) by taking a crew of two colors (that don't have any matching numbers). All the rest are "Stowaways" which count against you.

We played a few hands of Corsari and the kids weren't totally distracted by it, but the scoring mechanism was a bit of a challenge for Garrett (age 7). Anne understood it immediately and thought it was at least as good as VAMPIRE, which all of us like very much as quick pickup game.
Gar figures out his hand

The cards are not quite up to snuff as physical components. Just a little bit of dampness on the towel caused one of the cards to separate a bit. Other than that, it's a great little game and I really enjoy it. Once we get the scoring sequence down pat, we'll be playing this one more often.

Big Mess o' cards