11:38 AM

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Sobering events: My (very minor) brush with Anthrax

Mister Nizz

As part of the recent minor panic in D.C. over anthrax, I bumped into a HAZMAT team in lobby of my building last night. They had sealed off the entire post office in the back area and put up these plastic sheets "for containment".

The email chatter was interesting, and frankly, not very helpful-- STAY IN THE BUILDING! DO NOT LEAVE FOR ANY REASON! no, wait.. EVERYBODY EVACUATE THE BUILDING, DON'T TAKE THE ELEVATORS.. no, wait... Some people were working budget drills into the wee hours, and they were not amused at being sent out into the street for an hour.

It's so much fun, working next to (and in) terrorist targets.

On the other hand, I just called an acquaintance at Intellidyne Systems out in Falls Church (near Skyline) and he had to call me back from home.. the entire building is locked out while they scrub and test the mailroom in his building.

Sobering stuff.