1:52 PM
BPD 3 starting up
Our third BPD game is Clio, named after the Muse of History. This is fitting, as the game will be themed after historical subjects. Each Round will change the historical subject, but, like past games of By Popular Demand, use the same basic BPD rule structure. For the sake of general rules haggling and argument ceasing, here is the basic rules to By Popular Demand, as written by Ryk Downes:
For the unitiated, By Popular Demand (BPD) is a word-guessing game, similar to Scattegories.
This is a simple game for any number of players who may join in at any time. It normally runs over a number of turns predetermined by the GM (Me, Mister Nizz)
Signing Up
Simply put, as in any game I run through this blog, Clio is open to anyone who wishes to play, including regular readers of this blog as well as former players. Simply communicate your intentions to me via the section on Communicating with the GM.
Standard Game
Each turn the GM (me) lists 6 categories and an initial letter. All you have to do is find something that fits the category and begins with the initial letter; you will score points equal to the number of people who offer the same answer as you. The winner is the person with the most points at the end (after a predetermined number of turns). I always run a game for ten rounds.
Example: The initial letter is A and the category is "cities in Holland". 13 people give Amsterdam as their answer and score 13 points each, 6 people suggest Alkmaar and score 6 points each, 3 suggest Arnhem and score 3 points each.
Communicating with the GM
The idea is... send the message with your selections to the GM, don't post it in a public place for the world to see it (and copy it, therefore getting a higher score)
There are several ways to message me privately:
1) Tried and true email
2) If you are on Consimworld, you may use the little Instant Message dohickey at the bottom of every page (This is MY PROFILE there)
3) If you have Skype, I'm "misternizz" there. I check about once a day in the evening.
Schedules and missed turns
Rounds will last a working week or so (Mondayish to Fridayish), depending on people's schedules. If you miss a turn, don't sweat it. The scoring is variable enough to allow a come-from-behind victory. I won't be hardnosed about it if you get an answer in, oh, say, by midnight Friday.. unless I announce that I'm extending a deadline. I am pretty easy about turn deadlines, until it starts stretching into two weeks.
I will allow a little slack time at start to give the game a chance to fill. I don't think BPD is much fun unless we have at least 6 players, so that is my minimum to start.