1:07 PM
HA! A major book searchin' coup
And there it was!
One of the only attractions of the Burke, VA Festival (for me) is the library book sale fund raiser, an event held every year to raise funds for the new library going into my neighborhood. Within walking distance, no less.
Woo Hoo!
For years, I've been searching for the book you see below. It's available through used book search services, but I've always twigged at the thought of paying $30 plus for a cheap paperback. Suddenly, there it was in one of the surprlus book sale boxes, right on top, staring me in the face.
Ya gotta love synergy sometimes.
Doc Savage: His Apocolyptic Life and Tarzan Alive are the two core volumes forming the foundation of the "Wold Newton Universe" a quirky "literary archeology" semi-hobby where Farmer attempts to tie the lives of every pulp hero (and many Victorion/Edwardian heroes) that ever lived to a cosmic event that happened in Wold Newton, in the English countryside. "The Wold Newton Universe" has far more active adherents than I, but I still love reading the material these people come up with; it's very detailed and engrossing to read fictional geneologies of the heroes of pulp.
If you can find either Tarzan Alive or Doc Savage, my advice is to snap them up, I doubt they will be reprinted soon.